A person testing a website on a laptop.

Website Testing Jobs: A Fun and Easy Way To Earn Extra Cash

In today’s digital world, the success of a website is not just about great design or content. It’s about how user-friendly it is. That’s where website testing comes into play.

Website testing isn’t about just giving an opinion on a website. Instead, it’s a process where people, like you and me, try to complete certain tasks on a website. While doing so, they think out loud and share their experience. This helps companies understand how easy or tough it is for visitors to use their website.

The best part? People who do these tests get paid for their time. Whether a website is brand new or has been around for years, companies always want to know how they can make it better. And by doing website testing jobs, not only do you get to help improve websites, but you also earn some extra cash in the process. It’s a win-win situation!

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Icon of a flask to indicate testing.

Website and User Testing Gigs

Test websites and apps, provide feedback, and shape the user experience.


Get paid to visit websites or apps, complete tasks, and provide feedback on your experience.


Test websites and get paid for your feedback.


Earn money by testing websites, apps, and prototypes.


Get paid to explore websites and share your thoughts.


Participate in paid usability tests, interviews, and surveys.


Take part in user research studies and earn money for sharing your insights.


Test websites and share your thoughts to help improve user experiences.


Test mobile games and provide feedback to game developers. Get paid for your valuable insights.


Earn money by testing websites and apps and providing feedback on your experience.


Earn money testing and reviewing websites, apps, games, and more.


Join beta tests for websites and apps and earn money for your valuable feedback.


Get paid to find bugs and provide feedback on websites and apps.

User Interviews

Sign up to participate in user research studies, product testing, and focus groups.

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The Basics of Website Testing

Ever tried to buy something online and found the process confusing? Or maybe you visited a website and couldn’t find the information you needed? That’s exactly what website testing aims to fix.

Website testing is like being a detective. Testers look for clues to figure out where a website might be confusing or hard to use. Let’s break down what it involves:

  • Task Completion: When you’re testing a website, you’ll be given specific tasks to do. This could be things like “Sign up for the newsletter” or “Find the return policy.” It’s all about seeing how easy or hard it is to do those tasks.

  • Thinking Out Loud: As you’re working through the tasks, you’ll be asked to speak your thoughts out loud. This is super important! It lets the company know exactly what you’re experiencing as you navigate their site.

  • Recording the Session: Often, you’ll be recording your screen and voice as you test. Don’t worry, it’s not about how you look or sound. It’s about capturing your real-time experience so companies can see what works and what doesn’t.

Why is Website Testing Fun and Rewarding?

Imagine having the power to shape the future of the internet. That’s kind of what website testing feels like! Every test you take part in helps improve the online experience for millions of users. Here’s why so many find it enjoyable and worthwhile:

  • Discover New Websites: Each testing gig introduces you to different websites, some of which you might not have stumbled upon on your own. It’s like going on a mini adventure every time.

  • Make a Real Impact: Your feedback directly influences how companies tweak and refine their sites. You’re essentially helping make the internet a more user-friendly place, one test at a time.

  • Flexible Work: Website testing doesn’t demand you to be at a particular place or time. Whether you’re at home in your pajamas or at a cafe sipping coffee, you can take on testing jobs. It fits right into your schedule.

  • Earn While You Learn: Every testing job is an opportunity to learn something new. Whether it’s about a different industry, a new product, or an innovative service, you’re constantly expanding your knowledge.

How Much Can You Earn?

When it comes to website testing, there’s a burning question many have: “How much money can I make?” The answer, like many things, can vary, but let’s break it down:

  • Average Pay Rates: Typically, for a website test that might last anywhere from 15 to 30 minutes, testers can expect to earn around $10 to $20. But remember, rates can vary based on the complexity of the test or the platform you’re working with.

  • Frequency of Tests: The number of tests you get invited to can depend on various factors. Your demographic details, your past performance as a tester, and the demand from companies all play a role. Some testers might get a few tests a week, while others might get less.

  • Other Opportunities: Some platforms might also offer longer, more detailed tests or even interviews with the company. These typically pay more than standard tests.

While website testing might not replace a full-time income, it’s an excellent side gig to earn extra money.

Tips for Signing Up

  • Profile Details: When setting up your profile, be thorough and honest. Companies often look for specific demographics for their tests.
  • Sample Tests: Some platforms might ask you to complete a sample test. Do your best, as this can determine the number of future tests you receive.
  • Stay Active: Regularly check your email or platform dashboard. Test opportunities can come at any time, and they’re often on a first-come, first-served basis.

Remember, each platform has its own pay structure and test availability. It’s a good idea to sign up for multiple platforms to increase your chances of getting tests.

Tips for Success in Website Testing

Diving into the world of website testing is exciting. But like any job, knowing a few tricks of the trade can make a big difference in your success. Here are some tips to help you stand out and get the most out of your testing gigs:

  • Clear Communication: It’s crucial to articulate your thoughts clearly. Remember, companies are listening to understand how real users interact with their site. The more descriptive and specific you can be, the better.

  • Reliable Equipment: Ensure you have a good microphone and a stable internet connection. Crisp audio and smooth screen recordings will make your feedback more valuable.

  • Stay Neutral: Even if you’re familiar with the brand or have preconceived notions, approach each test with an open mind. Companies want unbiased, fresh perspectives.

  • Follow Instructions: Always pay close attention to the tasks and questions provided. While you might be tempted to explore other parts of the website, it’s essential to stick to the guidelines.

  • Keep Learning: The digital landscape is always evolving. Stay updated with the latest web trends and usability practices. It’ll give you an edge and enhance the quality of your feedback.

  • Engage with the Community: Many testing platforms have forums or communities. Engaging with fellow testers can offer insights, share experiences, and even provide solutions to common challenges.

By maintaining a professional approach and continuously improving your skills, you can ensure that you remain a top pick for companies seeking valuable website feedback.

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Frequently Asked Questions

How much can I earn as a website tester?

Earnings as a website tester can vary depending on factors such as the complexity and length of the tests you participate in. On average, you can expect to earn around $10 to $20 per test. Some tests may pay more, especially those that require specific expertise or take longer to complete.

What are the requirements to become a website tester?

To become a tester, you typically need a computer or smartphone with an internet connection and a microphone to provide verbal feedback during tests. Some tests may also require a webcam.

What is the process of testing websites and apps?

As a tester, you'll receive instructions on what to do during the test. This may involve navigating a website or app, completing specific tasks, and thinking out loud while completing these tasks so that the tester can understand your thought process. You might be asked to record your screen, audio, or yourself via a webcam while testing. After completing the test, you'll submit your feedback, and you'll typically receive payment within a specified timeframe.

Are there any prerequisites for website testing gigs?

No specialized skills or prior experience are usually required to become a website tester. Testers from various backgrounds and tech proficiency levels are welcome to participate. The goal is to gather insights from a diverse pool of users to improve the user experience.

How do I get paid for testing websites and apps?

Most testing platforms pay testers through PayPal or other online payment methods. Some platforms may offer gift cards or other forms of compensation. Payment details are typically provided by the testing platform when you sign up as a tester.

How long does a typical testing session last?

The duration of a testing session can vary from a few minutes to half an hour or more, depending on the complexity of the test. Most testing sessions take around 10 to 20 minutes to complete. Longer tests or those that require in-depth feedback may take more time.

Why do businesses hire people to test their sites?

User testing is essential for businesses to understand how real users interact with their websites and apps. It helps identify usability issues, discover pain points in the user experience, and gather valuable feedback for improvement.

What types of websites and apps will I be testing?

As a website and UI/UX tester, you may test a wide range of websites and apps, including e-commerce sites, social media platforms, mobile apps, online services, and more.

Is user testing only limited to websites and apps?

While user testing primarily focuses on websites and apps, some testing platforms may offer opportunities to test other digital products or services. This can include testing software, prototypes, games, and even physical products with digital components.

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Next Steps

1. Scroll back up to the list of gigs on this page and sign up today!

2. Need more ideas for side hustles in Portland? Check out our giant list of side hustles.