Two people repairing a computer.

Flexible IT Gigs in PDX: Turn Your Knowledge into Extra Cash

Portland is a busy city with lots of people who love tech. Think of all the gadgets and computers we use every day. Sometimes, they break or confuse us. That’s where IT experts like you come in.

Did you know that right here in Portland, many folks need help with their tech troubles? And guess what? They’re willing to pay for it! If you’re good with tech, you’ve got a chance to earn some extra money. Just think about all the times your friends or family have asked you for help setting up a new phone, home router, or to fix a problem with their computer. Now, imagine getting paid for that kind of help!

In this article, we’ll dive deep into the world of IT gigs in PDX. You’ll learn about the different opportunities, how to find them, and how to turn your tech skills into cash. Ready to begin? Let’s dive in!

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Icon of a wrench tightening a bolt on a computer.

IT Side Hustles

Put your IT skills to work and earn extra cash.


On-demand tech support. Set up or repair computers, install smart devices, mount TVs, etc.

Search Craigslist for Computer Gigs

Search IT-related gigs on Craigslist for the Portland area.

List Your Services on Craigslist under Computer Gigs

Offer IT-related gigs on Craigslist to the Portland area.

See our List of Freelancing Sites

See our list of freelancer sites for even more IT opportunities.

The Big List of Portland Side Hustles

Make sure to check out our huge list of even more ways to earn extra cash in PDX.

The Landscape of IT Gigs in PDX

Portland isn’t just famous for its delicious food carts and cool bridges. It’s also turning into a big tech hub. Let’s look at the IT gig scene in our city.

The Emergence of Tech Hubs in Portland

Over the past few years, more tech companies have made PDX their home. With more tech companies around, there’s a bigger need for IT experts, even if it’s just for a quick job or a short-term project.

Local Businesses Seeking IT Expertise

It’s not just the big tech companies that need help, though. Local businesses, from coffee shops to bookstores, sometimes need tech support. Maybe their cash register software acts up, or they want to set up a new website. That’s where IT gigs come in handy.

The Role of Platforms: From Craigslist to Specialized Sites

Remember the old days when people used to pin job ads on community boards or post them in newspapers? Well, times have changed! Now, there are websites like Craigslist, HelloTech, and others where people can post or find IT gigs. These platforms make it super easy for someone like you to find a gig, do the job, and get paid.

Types of IT Gigs You Can Find in PDX

Home Tech Support: Routers, TVs, and More

We all have tech in our homes. Sometimes, it’s a new smart TV that’s acting a bit too “smart” for its own good. Or a Wi-Fi router that refuses to give us internet. People in PDX often look for experts who can come to their homes and fix these little tech issues. It’s a great way to earn some money and help out your neighbors.

Business IT Support: Networks, Security, and Software

Businesses have more complex tech needs. They might have a computer network that needs setting up or a security system that needs checking. Sometimes, they might even need custom software or apps. If you have skills in these areas, there’s a good chance a business in PDX could use your help.

Consultation: Helping Businesses Transition to Digital

More and more, businesses are moving online. But not every shop owner knows how to do this. If you know about websites, online stores, or social media, you can offer your knowledge as a consultant. Help local businesses make the digital leap and grow in the online world.

How to Stand Out and Secure IT Gigs

Building a Portfolio of Past Work

If you want to show off your IT skills, you should have a portfolio. This can be a simple website or even a document with descriptions of the projects you’ve done. When people see what you can do, they’re more likely to hire you.

Collecting Testimonials and Reviews

Good words from happy customers can make a big difference. Whenever you finish a gig, ask your client if they can write a short review or testimonial. Over time, these positive reviews will show others that you’re trustworthy and good at your job.

The world of tech is always changing. New gadgets, new software, new everything! If you want to stay in the game, it’s important to keep learning. Attend workshops, read articles, or watch tutorials online. The more you know, the more valuable you become in the IT gig market.

Boosting Your Career: IT Certifications

In the IT world, having hands-on experience is invaluable. But complementing that experience with recognized certifications can really set you apart. Certifications not only validate your skills but also show your commitment to professional growth. Let’s delve into three popular certifications that can enhance your IT gig prospects in PDX.

CompTIA A+

CompTIA A+ is often considered the starting point for a career in IT. This certification covers essential IT operational roles and technical support. If you’re aiming to prove your expertise in troubleshooting, problem-solving, and understanding a wide range of devices and operating systems, A+ is the way to go.

CompTIA Network+

CompTIA Network+ delves into the world of networking. Earning this certification showcases your skills in designing, managing, and troubleshooting wired and wireless networks. It’s a great asset if you’re looking to work on projects involving network configurations, management, and security.

CompTIA Security+

CompTIA Security+ is for those who are keen on cybersecurity. This certification covers a broad spectrum of foundational security topics, including threat management, cryptography, identity management, and risk identification. In a world where data breaches are becoming more common, having expertise in cybersecurity can be a significant advantage.

Investing time and effort into these certifications can be a game-changer for your IT gig journey in PDX, making you more marketable and opening doors to higher-paying opportunities.

Tips for Navigating Online Platforms

Safe Practices for Engaging in Online Transactions

Using online platforms is super handy, but it’s essential to be safe. Never share personal details like your home address or bank info. Use secure payment methods, and always meet clients in public places if you’re discussing a project in person.

Communicating Your Skill Set Effectively

When you’re looking for IT gigs, it’s crucial to be clear about what you can do. Use simple language and list your skills. If someone is looking for help with a specific task, they should be able to see at a glance if you’re the right fit.

Evaluating the Gig: Red Flags to Watch For

Not every gig is a golden opportunity. Some might be scams or just not worth your time. Always do a bit of research on the client or company. If something feels off, like if they’re unwilling to use standard payment methods or are vague about the job details, it’s okay to say no.

The Financial Upside

Setting Competitive Rates for Your Services

Knowing what to charge for your services can be tricky. You don’t want to sell yourself short, but you also don’t want to scare away potential clients with high rates. Research what others in PDX are charging for similar services. This will give you a good starting point. Remember, as you gain more experience and build a reputation, you can adjust your rates accordingly.

Managing Finances and Taxes for Gig Work

When you’re doing IT gigs, you’re basically running your own small business. This means you need to keep track of your earnings and expenses. It’s a good idea to set aside a portion of what you earn for taxes. And don’t forget to save your receipts! They can come in handy during tax season. Most importantly, make sure to consult with a tax professional.

Potential Long-term Opportunities from Short-term Gigs

One-time gigs can sometimes lead to bigger opportunities. Maybe a business you helped will want to hire you for a long-term project or even a full-time job. Or a happy customer might refer you to their friends. By doing your best in every gig, you open the door to even more chances to earn and grow in the IT field.


Whether you’re helping a neighbor with their Wi-Fi, guiding a local business into the digital age, or consulting for a big tech company, there’s a gig out there for every tech-savvy person. By preparing yourself, staying updated with trends, and building a solid reputation, you can turn your tech knowledge into extra cash.

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Frequently Asked Questions

How much can I expect to earn in IT side hustles?

Earnings in IT side hustles can vary based on factors such as your level of expertise, the type of services you offer, and the demand in the market. Some IT specialists report earning between $25 and $50 per hour, while others may charge fixed fees for specific projects. Rates can be higher for specialized services such as cybersecurity consulting.

What qualifications do I need for IT side hustles?

The qualifications required for IT side hustles depend on the specific service you offer. For computer repair and tech support roles, having technical knowledge and troubleshooting skills is essential. Other roles may require specific certifications or formal education in IT-related fields.

How flexible are IT side hustles in terms of working hours?

IT side hustles offer a high degree of flexibility. You can choose to work during your free time, evenings, or weekends, depending on your availability. However, keep in mind that meeting project deadlines and client expectations may require some schedule management.

Do I need to have my own equipment for IT side hustles?

In most cases, having your own equipment is necessary for IT side hustles. For computer repair and tech support roles, you'll need tools and diagnostic software. It's also beneficial to have a stable internet connection for remote work.

How can I market my IT side hustle services?

To market your IT side hustle services, you can create a professional website showcasing your expertise and previous projects. Utilize social media platforms to share your work and engage with potential clients. Networking within the IT community can also lead to referrals and new opportunities. Additionally, joining relevant online forums or groups can help you connect with people seeking IT services.

What types of tech support tasks are commonly requested?

Tech support tasks commonly requested include troubleshooting software and hardware issues, setting up and configuring devices, removing viruses and malware, setting up and troubleshooting network connections, assisting with software installations, and providing guidance on using various technology products.

Is there demand for IT tutoring and training services?

Yes, there is a demand for IT tutoring and training services. Many individuals and businesses seek to improve their IT skills or learn new technologies. Offering online courses, workshops, or one-on-one tutoring in IT-related topics can be a lucrative side hustle.

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Next Steps

1. Scroll back up to the list of gigs on this page and sign up today!

2. Need more ideas for side hustles in Portland? Check out our giant list of side hustles.