People participating in a focus group.

Focus Groups in PDX: The Ultimate Guide to Earning (2023)

Have you ever wondered how companies decide what products to make or what colors to choose? They often ask people for their opinions. One way they do this is through something called a “focus group”. In a focus group, people gather and share their thoughts about different things.

Now, let’s talk about Portland, often called “PDX” (like its airport code, in case you’re new to town). It’s a large city with a wide variety of people from all walks of life. That’s why companies love doing focus groups here in Portland. They can get a lot of different opinions all in one place.

In this guide, we’ll dive deep into focus groups in PDX. If you live in Portland and are curious about joining one, this is for you. Portland is buzzing with focus group opportunities, and there’s a lot to explore and learn.

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Icon of people discussing with a dollar sign over their heads.

Focus Group Gigs

Participate in discussions and get paid for sharing your thoughts and opinions.

Oregon State University - Food Innovation Center (FIC)

Earn money by becoming a taste taster for the FIC Sensory & Consumer Testing program at Oregon State University.

JIR Group

JIR Group is based out of Clackamas. Sign up to participate in their paid research studies.

Join to participate in various paid focus groups, and online surveys.


Join Sago's panel of participants and take part in paid focus groups, surveys, and market research studies.

Toluna Influencers

Join Toluna to get paid for sharing your opinion in market research projects.

Engage In Depth

Join Engage In Depth to take part in paid focus groups and market research studies.


Join Fieldwork's database to be considered for paid focus group opportunities.

Probe Market Research

Participate in paid focus groups, taste tests, and online surveys to share your opinions.

SIS International Research

Join SIS's database to participate in paid focus groups and market research studies.

Elliott Benson Research

Sign up for Elliott Benson's panel to participate in paid focus groups, interviews, and online surveys.

Opinions, Ltd.

Join Opinions, Ltd.'s and get paid for sharing your opinions on a wide range of topics and products.

The Big List of Portland Side Hustles

Make sure to check out our huge list of even more ways to earn extra cash in PDX.

How Focus Groups Operate in Portland

Focus groups in PDX have their own way of doing things. Let’s dig into how they work.

Topics That Get Discussed

In Portland, there’s always something new to talk about. Focus groups might look at:

  • New foods or snacks people are munching on
  • The latest video games kids and adults are playing
  • Cool tech gadgets that everyone’s talking about
  • Recent fashion trends or popular outfits
  • Fresh apps on phones or new TV shows and movies
  • Any other wide variety of topics!

Meeting Styles: In-Person vs. Online

In-Person Groups:

  • Before, many groups met in actual rooms. Picture a big room with comfy chairs, a table, and maybe even some snacks.

Virtual Groups:

  • With new technology (and stuff like the pandemic), lots of focus groups moved online. Now, you can chat and share ideas from your couch.

No matter how they meet, the main goal stays the same: they want to hear honest thoughts and ideas from people like you.

Getting Started: How to Land Your First Focus Group Gig

Ever thought, “How do I join one of these focus groups?” Well, let’s walk through the steps!

Qualifying for a Focus Group

Before you can join a focus group, the company wants to see if you’re a good fit. They might ask about:

  • Your age, where you live, or what job you have
  • Things you like (like movies, games, or food)
  • How often you use certain products

Don’t worry, they just want to make sure they have the right mix of people!

Tips for Application Success

Want to boost your chances of getting picked? Here are some tips:

  • Be Honest: Always give true answers. They value honesty!
  • Stay Active: Regularly check platforms or companies for new listings.
  • Polish Your Profile: If you’re on an online platform, make sure your profile looks good. Clear info and a friendly photo can help!

Maximizing Your Earnings

Joining a focus group is cool because you can share your thoughts and sometimes get paid for it! But what if you want to make the most out of this opportunity? Here are some tips to help you earn more:

Multiple Focus Group Participation

Did you know you can join more than one focus group? Here’s how:

  • Stay Open: Don’t just stick to one topic. If you’re open to discussing different things, you can join more groups.
  • Organize Your Time: If you’re in several groups, make sure you keep track of when each one meets so you don’t miss out.

Elevating Your Participant Profile

Want companies to pick you more often? Try these tricks:

  • Stay Active: Update your profile regularly and answer any new questions they might have.
  • Build a Reputation: Always be on time for meetings, and give thoughtful, clear answers. If you’re a great participant, they’ll want you back!
  • Spread the Word: Some platforms give bonuses if you refer friends or family. So, if you enjoy it, let others know!
Conversation icon for FAQs

Frequently Asked Questions

What are focus groups, and how do they work?

Focus groups are gatherings of individuals who share their opinions and insights on a particular product, service, or topic. They are typically led by a moderator who guides the discussion and asks participants open-ended questions. Focus groups can be conducted in person or online. Participants are selected based on specific criteria that match the research objectives of the study.

How much can I earn by participating in focus groups?

Earnings for participating in focus groups can vary depending on the duration of the session, the topic, and the research company conducting the study. On average, participants can earn anywhere from $50 to $200 per focus group session. Some longer or more specialized studies may offer higher compensation.

How long do focus group sessions typically last?

The duration of focus group sessions can vary depending on the research study and its objectives. On average, focus group sessions usually last between 1 to 2 hours. The length of time should be communicated to participants when invited to a specific focus group study.

What are the requirements to join focus groups?

Eligibility criteria for focus groups can vary depending on the research study's objectives. Some focus groups may target specific demographics, while others may seek individuals with particular interests or experiences. Common requirements include age, location, occupation, and lifestyle factors. Each research company will have its own set of eligibility criteria for each study.

What can I expect during a focus group session?

During a focus group session, you'll be part of a small group of participants led by a moderator. The moderator will guide the discussion and ask questions related to the research topic. Participants are encouraged to openly share their thoughts, opinions, and experiences. Focus group sessions are usually recorded or observed by researchers for analysis.

What should I expect after signing up for focus group opportunities?

After signing up with research companies, you'll likely receive invitations to participate in focus groups that match your profile. The invitations will include details such as the date, time, and format of the focus group, as well as the compensation offered. You can choose to accept or decline the invitations based on your availability and interest.

What are some tips for successful participation in focus groups?

- Be attentive and actively engage in the discussion.
- Be respectful of other participants' opinions.
- Share your honest thoughts and opinions.
- Avoid dominating the conversation and allow others to speak.
- Stay on topic and answer questions thoughtfully.
- Follow the moderator's instructions and guidelines.

Icon of a checklist

Next Steps

1. Scroll back up to the list of gigs on this page and sign up today!

2. Need more ideas for side hustles in Portland? Check out our giant list of side hustles.